With autumn just around the corner, all sorts of preparations are being done – from the harvests in the fields to the parents buying new school uniforms for kids. Another thing that you should prepare for the autumn is your car – here are some of the things to do to get it ready….
Make sure the Heater is Working – As the temperatures get lower, you are going to need that car heating system! To avoid finding out the hard way, now is a good time to make sure that it is working as if it is not, you have time to get it repaired ready for the winter.
Get it Cleaned – Now is a great time to give your car a clean up. Over the summer and all those trips and holidays, it can make the interior and exterior of the car a bit of a mess! To get the best results, go to a professional like this Cheltenham car valeting company www.elitecarspa.co.uk
Check the Tyres – The tyre pressure in colder months can drop with the temperature, and you also need to think about the more dangerous road conditions that ice and rain can bring. Make sure that the pressure and the tread on your tyres is safe.
Make sure the Windscreen Wipers Work – A clear windscreen is more important than ever in the autumn and the winter. As well as the low sun that can be dazzling and make visibility difficult there are also things like the snow and rain to contend with, so you must ensure that your windscreen wipers are working as they should be and if not get them replaced.